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Blue Earth County makes every effort to maintain the most accurate information possible. The maps included in this website do not represent a survey and are compiled from official records, including plats, surveys, recorded deeds, and contracts, and only contain information required for government purposes. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein, its use, or interpretation. Blue Earth County and its employees assume no responsibility for the consequences of inappropriate uses or interpretations of the data.
Visitors to this website are expressly prohibited from using applications designed to mine, gather, or extract data. Unauthorized use and collection of this data may expose the visitor to criminal penalties and/or claims for civil damages, attorney’s fees, and costs by Blue Earth County. In addition, if Blue Earth County becomes the subject of a lawsuit related to alleged misuse of any unauthorized data taken in this manner by a visitor, Blue Earth County will seek to have the Court require the visitor to reimburse Blue Earth County for any damages, attorneys fees, or costs which may be awarded as a result of this unauthorized use of data.
All critical information should be independently verified. If you have questions about this site, please contact the Property and Environmental Resources Office at 507-304-4251.